Whether for keeping track of your appointments, organizing your plan of work for the coming months, or simply having a convenient place to keep notes on everyday activities, this selection of printable calendar templates and formatted timetables provides a quick and convenient resource for doing so.
Weekly Timetable Calendar
LaTeX Template
Version 1.1 (4/6/13)
This template has been downloaded from:
Original calendar style author:
Evan Sultanik
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
This template has been downloaded from:
Original calendar style author:
Evan Sultanik (http://www.sultanik.com/LaTeX_calendar_style)
Fancy a cool dodecahedron calendar for your desk? Create one with LaTeX in seconds!
This example of the folding library was originally published in the TeXample gallery at http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/foldable-dodecahedron-with-calendar/.
An Overleaf-themed dodecahedron calendar!
Some customisations possible e.g. language, day headings (or not), whether Sunday starts the week, some minimal colours.
A calendar of circles
Author: Till Tantau (The PGF manual),
and Stefan Kottwitz (Modifications such as shaded circles and color) and Antonio Paolini (modified position of months to turn clockwise and moved January at top.)
Note: you can export the pdf to see the result at full
This is a simple model for a mood tracker calendar in LaTeX. It implements the calendar by using pgfcalendar and defines new commands to allow for a simple user interface. Colors, legend, and date range are customizable.
Customisable calendars supporting different languages, sizes and layouts, colours and illustrations. The calendars can be marked with events with date ranges, using different markers and styles.
(default, no class option): fits CD cases (11.7cm x 13.65cm)
small: like a floppy disk, 9cm x 7.5cm
giant: A4 paper, portrait
giant,landscape: A4 paper, landscape
giantsolo or giantsolo,landscape: like above, but without the mini calendars for previous/next months.
Use the sundayweek document class option to make weeks start on Sundays.
Localisation possible with languages supported by datetime2/translator, by specifying the language name as a document class option. For unsupported languages, use the nobabel option and make your own customisations.
Or fork it on Github.