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\textbf{SCORE BOARD}}
\author{Awais Ahmed (Fritzing)\\
Haffiz Sohaib Faroqi (Proteus)\\
Fahad Iqbal Ahmed (Hardware)\\
\vspace*{0.5in} \\
Hamdard Institute of Engineering \& Technology\\
\textbf{Hamdard University}\\
Karachi, Pakistan
} \date{\today}
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%--------------------Title Page
%--------------------Begin Outline
\item \textbf{Objectives}
Our objective it to design this scoreboard, with operates manual buttons that aid in these small scale tournaments of the cricket match. In order for the scoreboard to effective, it needs to be affordable, portable and versatile in terms of sport it can accommodate and how it can be controlled.
\ \# & Component Name & Model & Price (PKR) \\
1 & Microcontroller & ATMega16 & 270 \\
2 & LCD & CharacterLCd Module & 325 \\
3 & Switches & Mini Push Button & 35 \\
\multicolumn{3}{|r|}{Total} &630 \\
\item \textbf{Need Statement:}
As stated in the objectives above, the biggest need is to develop a cost effective scoreboard (preferably with a parts cost Rs 630. That will be used for recreational tournaments, intramural games and also small scale competitive games.
\item \textbf{Block Diagram}
\newpage \item \textbf{Diagram}
Embed diagram from Fritzing and describe interconnections.
\newpage \item \textbf{Simulation Model}
Embed Proteus model here.
\newpage \item \textbf{Program Code}
#include <mega16.h> //Header file of ATmega16 Microcontroller
#include <alcd.h> //Header file of Alpha Numeric LCD
#include <delay.h>
unsigned char data,data1,data2;
void main(void)
lcd_init(16); //Initialize LCD of 16 matrix per line
lcd_clear(); //Clear LCD
lcd_gotoxy(0,0); //Move cursor to position x,y = 0,1
lcd_putsf("run"); //Put String on LCD screen
lcd_gotoxy(4,0); //Move cursor to position x,y = 0,1
lcd_putsf("wicket"); //Put String on LCD screen
lcd_gotoxy(11,0); //Move cursor to position x,y = 0,1
lcd_putsf("over"); //Put String on LCD screen
if(PINA.0 == 0)
lcd_gotoxy(1,1); //Move cursor to position x,y = 0,0
lcd_putchar(data+0x30); //Put character 'a' on LCD screen
if(PINA.1 == 0)
lcd_gotoxy(7,1); //Move cursor to position x,y = 0,0
lcd_putchar(data1+0x30); //Put character 'a' on LCD screen
if(PINA.2 == 0)
lcd_gotoxy(12,1); //Move cursor to position x,y = 0,0
lcd_putchar(data2+0x30); //Put character 'a' on LCD screen
\newpage \item \textbf{Photoshot}
Group Members
\centering \includegraphics[width=4in]{123455.png}