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\title{Embedded Distributed Systems: A Case of Study with Clear Linux Project
for Intel® Architecture }
\author{\normalsize Author: Víctor Rodríguez Bahena / Co-author: Marcos de Alba \\\normalsize}
\date{\color{black}November 28 2014}
\begin{document} \maketitle
The rise of IoT interconnected objects will lead to an explosion in the volume of data that is collected, transmitted and processed. This explosion in volume will require novel methods for this transmission and processing.Power consumption and performance is one of the main design constraint for these systems. If current trends continue, future petaflop systems will require 100 megawatts of power. To address this problem the trend is towards the autonomous and responsible behavior of resources This demo shows how a network of ultra-low-voltage microprocessors platforms (Intel R AtomTM Processor E3815-Minnow-Max) can process their own data (running real HPC workloads) without the need of an external HPC system. This paper shows the impact of using a custom OS for x86 architecture in a embedded distributed system.
Computer technology has made incredible progress in the roughly 60 years since
the first general-purpose electronic computer was created. Today, less than 500
USD will purchase a personal computer that has more performance, more main
memory, and more disk storage than a computer bought in 1985 for 1 million
dollars. This rapid improvement has come both from advances in the technology
used to build computers and from innovation in computer design. \cite{Hennessy}
As we have seen it was around the years 2003 to 2005 that a dramatic change
seized the semiconductor industry and the manufactures of processors. The
increasing of computing performance in processors, based on simply screwing up
the clock frequency, could not longer be hold ed. Scaling of the technology
processes, leading to smaller channel lengths and shorter switching times in the
devices, and measures like instruction-level-parallelism and out-of-order
processing, leading to high fill rates in the processor pipelines, were the
guarantors to meet Moore’s law.\cite{AMDAHL}
The answer of the industry to that development, in order to still meet Moore’s
law, was the shifting to real parallelism by doubling the number of processors
on one chip die. This was the birth of the multi-core area. The benefits of
multi-core computing, to meet Moore’s law and to limit the power density at the
same time, at least at the moment this statement holds, are also the reason that
parallel computing based on multi-core processors is underway to capture more
and more also the world of embedded processing.\cite{MATTSON}
Where do we find these task parallelism in embedded systems? A good example are
automotive applications Multi-core technology in combination with a broadband
efficient network system offers the possibility to save components, too, by
migrating functionality that is now distributed among a quite large number of
compute devices to fewer cores.
The purpose of this paper is to present a case study to explore the benefits of
using a customized OS (against the community-supported OS: Fedora) on a
distributed embedded system. We will use MPI as the communication engine for our
benchmarks and experiments.
\section{Theoretical Framework}
In recent years several mature techniques for high level abstractions for
inter-processor communication are available, such as Message Passing Interfaces
(MPI), the problem is that these abstraction layers require extensive
system resources with comprehensive operating systems support, which may not be
available to an embedded platform.
Recent researches \cite{Saldana} \cite{Gallego} \cite{McMahon} describe
proof-of-concept MPI implementations targeting embedded systems, showing an
increasing interest in the topic. These implementations have a varying degree of
functionality and requirements. These papers also discuss different ways to
address the limitations found in typical embedded systems. For example, in the
eMPl/eMPICH project \cite{McMahon} the main focus is to port MPICH to an
embedded platform and reduce its memory footprint by removing some MPI
functions. Azequia-MPI \cite{Gallego} is an MPI implementation that uses threads
instead of processes making MPI applications more lightweight, Although, it
requires an operating system that supports threads, which in embedded systems it
is not always available.
In recent years there has been some studies in this field. One of the
firsts is the adaption of the MPI protocol for embedded systems , LMPI
\cite{Liu} (Light Message Passing Interface). The noble idea of LMPI is
separation of its server part (LMPI server) and the very thin client part (LMPI
client). Both parts can reside on different hardware or on the same hardware.
Multiple clients can be associated with a server. LMPI servers support full
capability of MPI and can be implemented using pre-existing MPI implementation.
Although LMPI is dedicated to embedded systems, to demonstrate the benefits of
LMPI and show some initial results, they built LMPI server using MPICH on a
non-embedded system. LMPI client consumes far less computation and communication
bandwidth than typical implementations of MPI, such as MPICH. As a result, LMPI
client is suitable for embedded systems with limited computation power and
memory. They demonstrated the low overhead of LMPI clients on Linux
workstations, which is as low as 10\% of MPICH for two benchmark applications.
LMPI clients are highly portable because they don't rely on the operating system
support. All they require from the embedded system is networking support to the
LMPI server.
All these research always talk about the lack of an operating system for
Distributed System, However there are some works related to this
area\cite{Sinha}. Those are the distributed operating systems. The architecture
and design of a distributed operating system must realize both individual node
and global system goals. Architecture and design must be approached in a manner
consistent with separating policy and mechanism. In doing so, a distributed
operating system attempts to provide an efficient and reliable distributed
computing framework allowing for an absolute minimal user awareness of the
underlying command and control efforts
With these techniques, distributed programming can be made much more efficient.
However, very few researchers have studied high level distributed programming in
embedded systems
The main objective of this work will be to prove that a distributed embedded
system (Intel® AtomTM Processor E3825) running real HPC workloads
(MPI benchmarks) can be improved by the use of a customized operating system
The need of more complex and smart applications (they must adapt their
performance as well as power) has risen the bar to create distributed systems
based on parallel embedded platforms.
By definition: A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous
computers, connected through a network and distribution middle-ware, which
enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of
the system, so that users perceive the system as a single, integrated computing
\item \textbf{Partioning Workload}:
By partitioning the workload onto multiple processors,
each processor is now responsible for only a fraction of the workload.
The processors can now afford to slow down by dynamic voltage scaling
(DVS) to run at more power-efficient states, and the degraded performance
on each processor can still contribute to an increased system-wide
performance by the increased parallelism.
\item \textbf{Heterogeneous HW}:
Another advantage with a distributed scheme is that heterogeneous hardware
such as DSP and other accelerators can further improve power efficiency
of various stages of the computation through specialisation.
\item \textbf{Network}: Despite the fact the distributed systems may have
many attractive properties, they pay a higher price for message-passing
communications. Each node now must handle not only communication with
the external world, but also extra communication on the internal network.
As a result, even if the actual data payload is not large on an absolute
scale, the communication appears very expensive and does not scale to a few
more nodes
\item \textbf{Lack of optimised OS}: A typical embedded system often does
not contain an operating system. Crafting distributed programs on such a
bare-bone platform is extremely difficult and error-prone. Although many
higher-level abstractions such as Message Passing Interfaces (MPI) have been
proposed to facilitate distributed programming, these abstraction layers require
extensive system resources with comprehensive operating systems support, which
may not be available to an embedded platform
However in recent years we have seen an emergence of a new class of full-fledged
embedded systems (they are fully loaded with sufficient system resources as well
as networking and other peripheral devices, and a complete version of the
operating system with network support) In addition, they are typically designed
with power-management technology in order to extend the battery life
With these gaps closed there might be a chance to merge the parallel and
distributed paradigms on the embedded world. A merging point of technologies
from different domains often inspires technology innovations in new domains.
According to these in consideration there are multiple scenarios to test the
capability of an embedded distributed system:
\item Compare an Embedded system with generic SW (Linux base OS
(Fedora/Ubuntu/Debian) and generic MPI protocol (MPICH)) against a
regular development system (with the same OS and MPI toolS)
\item Compare an Embedded system with a distributed operating system
against the same embedded system with custom SW (Linux from scratch system)
\item Compare an Embedded system with a distributed operating system
against the same embedded system with custom SW (Linux from scratch system and
MPI for embedded (LMPI)) in order to check the gap in the multiple systems
For this report we will execute the experiment of the second scenario, due to the
fact that we have already done the study of the first scenario. In that case we
realize that despite the fact that the minnow Max ran 8 times slower than the
regular development system (NUC Haswell system) the Minnow Max was more stable
and with less drops in performance.
The platform we use for our experiment is the Intel® AtomTM Processor
E3825. Their main characteristics are described on \ref{table:table1}. The main
limitation will be the number of Cores that we have. This is me minimal number
of cores we could have to run parallel applications. \cite{Intel_atom_spec}
\centering \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
\hline Procesor Number &E3825 \\
\hline \#Cores & 2 \\
\hline \#Threads & 2\\
\hline Clock SPeed & 1.33GHz \\
\hline L2 Cache & 1MB \\
\hline Instruction Set & 64 bits \\
\hline \end{tabular}
\caption{Minnowboard CPU characteristics }
The operating system we will use is the Fedora 19 system, the description of the
system is listed on the fedora project site home page (http://fedoraproject.org)
The benchmark we will use to measure the performance is MPIbench. This is a
program to measure the performance of some critical MPI functions. By critical
it means that the behavior of these functions can dominate the run time of a
distributed application. MPBench has now been integrated into LLCbench (Low
Level Characterisation Benchmarks)
The MPIfunctions that it stress are:
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv Bandwidth (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv Application latency or Gap time (us vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv Roundtrip or 2 * Latency (trns/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv() BidirectionalBandwidth (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Bcast broadcast (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Reduce reduction (sum) (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_AllReduce reduction (sum) (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Alltoall Each process sends to every other process (Kb/sec vs. bytes)
The results after the execution of the benchmarks are described on the Appendix
section (for minnow board and then for development board):
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv Bandwidth (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv Application latency or Gap time (us vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv Roundtrip or 2 * Latency (trns/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Send/MPI\_Recv() BidirectionalBandwidth (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Bcast broadcast (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Reduce reduction (sum) (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_AllReduce reduction (sum) (Kb/second vs. bytes)
\item MPI\_Alltoall Each process sends to every other process (Kb/sec vs. bytes)
As seen on the results presented on the AllReduce (MPI\_Allreduce
combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all
processes) graphs in both OS's (either Clear LInux or Fedora ) the drop of speed
is extremely fast until reach a minimal point of stability with packages grater
than 1.04e+06 Bytes. if we look the graph we can see that Clear Linux can sustain
a better quality of transaction (much more stable and with less drops). The
dramatic drop after the increment of 1.04e+06 Bytes is not reflected on the
Clear Linux system. On the Clear Linux the speed is the same until the size of the
packages reach the 3.3e+07 Bytes. A similar behavior occurs on the
unidirectional/bidirectional and broadcast MPI bandwith.
Analyzing the Bidirectional Bandwidth algorithm (as an example of the root
cause of this behaivor):
if (am_i_the_master()){
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++){
mp_irecv(dest_rank, 2, destbuf, bytes, &requestarray[1]);
mp_isend(dest_rank, 1, sendbuf, bytes, &requestarray[0]);
MPI_Waitall(2, requestarray, statusarray);
else if (am_i_the_slave()){
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
mp_irecv(source_rank, 1, destbuf, bytes, &requestarray[0]);
mp_isend(source_rank, 2, sendbuf, bytes, &requestarray[1]);
MPI_Waitall(2, requestarray, statusarray);
We can see that at the end they use MPI\_Waitall. MPI\_Waitall blocks until
all communication operations associated with active handles in the list complete,
and returns the status of all these operations. In the case of Clear Linux
there is a reduced number of process running in background (No
Xserver/Xorg/etc); besides there is an implementation of systemd. This helps
in lack of process trying to gain control of the system and memory at the same
time, which will be reflected every time the MPI\_Waitall arrives.
In case of the All to all experiment (Each process sends to every other process).
we don't see a huge gain on the performance. MPI\_Alltoall is a collective
operation in which all processes send the same amount of data to each other,
and receive the same amount of data from each other. The operation of this
routine can be represented as follows:
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &n);
for (i = 0, i < n; i++)
MPI_Send(sendbuf + i * sendcount * extent(sendtype),\
sendcount, sendtype, i,..., comm);
for (i = 0, i < n; i++)
MPI_Recv(recvbuf + i * recvcount *extent(recvtype), \
recvcount, recvtype, i, ..., comm);
As we can see here there is no chance to other process to compete for memory or
CPU resources.
The latency and round trip benchmarks show a similar performance all the time
despite the Operating System running . For MPI the definition of latency is
the time to launch a message in the network's buffer:
if (am_i_the_master())
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
mp_send(dest_rank, 1, sendbuf, bytes);
mp_recv(dest_rank, 2, destbuf, 4);
total -= calibrate_cache_flush(cnt);
The low performance (either in Clear Linux or Fedora) is an expected behavior.
Embedded systems have traditionally been much more sensitive to both the
interrupt latency and Central Processing Unit (CPU) overhead involved in
servicing interrupts as compared to conventional Personal Computers (PC).
This case of study demonstrate not only the capability of an embedded platform
(Intel® AtomTM Processor E3825 - Minnowboard) to execute a heavy MPI workload ,
but the capability for the Clear Linux system to maintain a better performance
(even with high volume packages) than a none customized OS. After this case of
study we demonstrate that an embedded system with a customized OS might be
useful for HPC applications, however the latency is a major problem that
require HW reconfiguration.
Future work will will be to start the measurement of power consumption. This
might be a key characteristic that make the embedded systems a possibility to
establish parallel/distributed programming paradigms to facilitate the
development of distributed embedded applications.
\bibitem{Hennessy} Hennessy, J., \& Patterson, D.
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\bibitem{AMDAHL} Amdahl, G. (n.d.). Validity of the Single Processor Approach to
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\bibitem{MATTSON} Mattson, T., \& Sanders, B. (2005). Patterns for parallel
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\bibitem{McMahon} T. P. McMahon and A. Skjellum, “eMPI/eMPICH: Embedding MPI” in
MPI Developers Conference , 1996, pp. 180–184.
\bibitem{Gallego} J. Rico-Gallego, J. Alvarez-Llorente, F. Perogil-Duqu e, P.
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for MMU-Less Machines,” in International Conference on Reconfigurable
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\bibitem{Liu} J. Liu, MPI for Embedded Systems: A Case Study. 2003
\bibitem{Sinha}Sinha, P. (1997). Distributed operating systems: Concepts and
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\bibitem{Intel_atom_spec}Intel® AtomTM Processor E3825 SPECIFICATIONS. (n.d.).
Retrieved from ARK
% All reduce Graphs
\caption{All reduce minnowboard}
% All to all
\caption{All to all minnowboard}
\caption{Bandwith on minnowboard}
% Bidirectional bandwith
\includepdf {mpi_bibw/mpi_bibw.pdf}}
\caption{Bidirectional Bandwidth minnowboard}
\includepdf {mpi_broadcast/mpi_broadcast.pdf}}
\caption{Broadcast minnowboard}
\caption{Application latency or Gap time on minnowboard}
\end{figure} \newpage
\includepdf {mpi_roundtrip/mpi_roundtrip.pdf}}
\caption{Roundtrip or 2 * Latency on minnowboard}