Aymen Kefi's CV
Aymen Kefi
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Aymen Kefi's CV. Created with the USA STEM CV template.
Aymen Kefi's CV. Created with the USA STEM CV template.
% !TEX TS-program = luatex
% USA STEM CV LaTeX Template
% Author:
% Sabrina Benge
% Template license:
% CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
\tagline{Ingénieur Informatique | Développeur Logiciel}
\smartphone{+(216) 58 700 164}
\address{2 Rue du Suède Mourouj 4 , 2074 Ben Arous,Tunisie}
{\textsc{}} %\selectlanguage{english}\today
{\textsc{Aymen Kefi - CV}}
\input{section_headline} % Research Statement
\input{section_honors_awards} % Section Honors and Awards
\input{section_experience} % Section Professional Experience
\input{section_skills} % Section Skills
\input{section_languages} % Section languaqes
\input{section_interets} % Section interests
%\input{section_projects} % Section Projects
%\input{section_outreach_volunteering} % Section Professional Outreach and volunteering
%\input{section_teaching_mentoring} % Section Teaching and Mentoring
%\input{section_certifications} % Section Certifications
%\input{section_references} % Section references