pdfauthor={Mao Wtm <m@maowtm.org>},
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pdfsubject={AS / A Level Physics Definitive},
pdfkeywords={CIE, Physics, AS, A Level, guide}]{hyperref}
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A guide for answering questions asking ``define'' or ``what is meant by'', as well as some other tricky questions \vspace{1em} \\*
Contains \total{question} exam-style questions, each have listed correct, as well as incorrect responses.%
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{Lynn Mao Wtm <m@maowtm.org>};
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Content is likely to be \emph{somewhat} incomplete.\\*
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{\ccbysa \\* \footnotesize This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. \\
Proudly produced with \LaTeX{} and Ti\emph{k}Z--source available at \url{https://github.com/micromaomao/A-Physics-Definitive} \\
This is \textbf{not} a CIE official document.};